<aside> <img src="/icons/megaphone_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/megaphone_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> Welcome

Thank you for taking a big step toward becoming a more conscious, attentive, and effective leader. This template can be used individually or in a small team.


<aside> <img src="/icons/movie-clapboard-play_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/movie-clapboard-play_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> Explanation Video

The latest video with all the updates to the template.

The latest video with all the updates to the template.

The original video explaining the template.

The original video explaining the template.


<aside> <img src="/icons/window_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/window_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> Blog Post

Click on “View Original” at the top right corner to open in full screen

Click on “View Original” at the top right corner to open in full screen


<aside> <img src="/icons/layers_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/layers_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> Managing access

Recently, a user of The Great CEO asked about what the “employee” view of the system can look like. This question involves permission settings in Notion, which is a very open and multi-layered topic in itself. I decided to record a video to break down possible options. For any questions, reach out to me at any time via the form below.






You can get in touch at any time by filling out the form below (or clicking here).



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