Consistency is more important than quantity.
Review the objectives that are either active
or in the reflection
stage and update them as needed.
[x] Review the time allocation on your calendar
[ ] Review the tasks you completed this week 👇
[x] Review active projects. Once you have done so, update the Last Review Date
Based on what happened this past week, what lessons can you draw? Is there anything you can start doing, continue doing, or stop doing, for living a more examined life? What didn't go so well? How can you improve?
Let go of tension and merely write what comes to mind, here or on paper.
Prioritize. Bring clarity. Time block and be aware of how you allocate and spend time. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Plan for deep work and be flexibly mindful.
Choose your top goal of the week. What is the one most important thing that you intend to focus on this week?
Sometimes this is the thing you have been avoiding due to limiting beliefs of some nature.